11 days for 5 minutes

post on October 9th, 2012
Posted in Cerpen

I remember I called you Sir when I text you in the first time


I remember when I forget to reply until you call me to ensure that I had recieved your message


I remember when I half realized that you are still young when you called me and I noticed your voice then found that I shouldn’t call you Sir but I still doubt it


I remember when I dont really listen to you in phone because I keep guessing who are you while I don’t understand why I am so nervous speaking to you at that time.


I remember when the first day we met, you called my name and shake my hand while you introduce your self officially.


I remember when it happened, I just staring your face, smiling at you and suddenly embarassed remembering with what all had happened between us before.


I remember when I get out from restroom and realize that everybody was waiting for me and my father told me that it was you had memorized my name and told everybody to wait for me


I remember when I just avoid you in a few days because I still remember how I called you before


I remember when you always waiting for me so that I will not left behind, even I know you will do the same thing to others.


I remember when you asked me to take a picture for you, in your BB phone


I remember when you remembering me my bottle, and we walk together to the entrance place.


I remember when it’s not the right place, and you ask me to wait, and you get that bottle for me.


I remember when I ask you that historical place, that ruins, “what is it?” and you told me detailly.


I remember when you keep ur eyes on me when I enjoy myself, walking here and there, looking around, eager to know what is that place and that place, then, when I turning back, the first I saw is your couple eyes, the eyes of taking care and worrying about me if I lost.


I remember how I feel when I look to your eyes, embarassed once again that you had attention me.


I remember when those old people said that we, the girls, should be married with the older boys, so do boys, conversly, should be married with the younger girls for a few years, just like them, 7 years, 11 years, even 12 years.


I remember when I begin to notice you. What a fool that I just realized that you are the guy that I always looking for.


I remember when you begin that sweet brief conversation, commentaring at my favourite shoes, and made me blushing because I realize that you have attention in me.


I remember when we shaked hands for the second time, to great a happy new year.


I remember when you called that girl, that you haven’t give her a congratulations of happy new year, and suddenly you found her and give a happy new year too, even I know that he would do that to others. But I don’t know why I still remember it until now.


I remember when you told urself that you want to buy that sweet clock, and I just want to have a conversation with you, told you the best price that other’s buy that clock, but you just busy with urself and I didn’t know that you were listening to me or not.


I remember when you begin that second sweet brief conversation, come close to me and told what you know, the history of that famous vuneral.


I remember when you always waiting for me again and again, ensure that I didn’t left behind, even I know you will do the same thing to others.


I remember when it the last days, I want to take a picture with you but I didn’t have a courage to ask, and just begging my brother that my reason is to take a picture with my whole family.


I remember when I worried that time traveled to fast and I just yelling and yelling with my bothered brother to take a picture with you together, and of course, with the same reason.


I remember when my brother called me and you also suddenly once called my chinese name -the only name for family- when you ask me for the passport.


I remember when in the last place we visit together, you just called me and ask where my parents is, I just had noticed that recently you often not to look eyes-to-eyes on me directly, just like a shy man in front of his girlfriend.


I remember when after I told where my parents is, I just forget to ask you a question, and suddenly I turning back in order to talk to you but I hit a girl, saying a sorry for her, and asked you, but found that you like didn’t notice what happened to me just now and don’t dare to looking at my eyes, it’s not like you used to be.


I remember when the last time, the last person you say goodbye is me, and for the third and last times, you shaked my hands, the longest and gently shaking, saying goobye and hoping that we will meet again in other day.


I remember when I came home, I remembering all of those moments, realizing that in that 11 days, all that I can do is looking at you day by day, staring at, listening to, and keep sitting and staying behind you.


I remember when all its over, I just realized that it’s me, who in the last time didn’t have a courage to ask a favor for a guy to make our moments, just like 2,5 years ago when I want to hug someone for the last time but I can’t, and then, the time just goes by.


And then I realized, that in that 11 days, it just for “real” 5 minutes with you.

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